Growing up in Cape Town, Garron Reynolds was exposed to the hair industry from an early age. His parents began Fascination Wigs, one of South Africa’s first Wig Business’ in 1972 supplying wigs to stores, pharmacies and the medical profession. After moving to the US in 1985 they started Jon Renau Inc, which has, over the years established itself as one of the most reputable wig designers in the world, servicing 32 countries.

Garron Reynolds previous Education
Garron graduated in Accounting from the San Diego State University and worked as a Certified Public Accountant at Price Waterhouse in New York. After living abroad for 16 years he decided to return home on the promise of South Africa being the first prosperous multicultural society. The natural beauty of the country, the beautiful warm people, and especially the compassion of African Women enticed him to start FR!KA Hair in 1997, believing that the foreign, well-educated people of South Africa should consider returning home to make a difference.
capturing african beauty for women with hair loss
Disappointed with the image of ‘western-faced’ Naomi Campbell being portrayed in the media as an example of an Afrocentric woman, Garron endeavoured to capture the essence of what African beauty is, and discovered it is strong, proud women – all that the FR!KA brand encapsulates.
founding frika – Wigs for african women
FR!KA has since become Africa’s top premier hair company dedicated to African women, supplying African women with hairpieces, wigs, extensions, and hair products. All styles and materials are conceptualized and manufactured at their offices in Cape Town by a dedicated design team and Garron himself.
Please note that Frika was sold and no longer part of the Fascinations or Wigs portfolio of companies.
View the Range of African Wigs for Women in South Africa.
Garron Reynolds – the whole family is involved with hair
Garron’s brother Paul Reynolds founded easihair pro tape-in hair extensions in 2001 after being exposed to the inferior quality of this product overseas, yet realizing the huge potential and demand for it. Setting off on a mission to source the best quality hair to bring to the market, easihair pro was born. It should be noted that Garron Reynolds is the CEO of Fascinations Hair, Easihair Pro as well as in South Africa.
what is Easihair pro and why you should be wearing these hair extensions
Easihair pro tape-in hair extensions are made with 100% Remy human hair that is easy to apply and comfortable to wear. easihair pro remains a family-owned and operated business with almost 46 years of experience in the Alternative Hair industry combined. They design 100% of the product in-house and have joint venture factories around the world to manufacture for them. Their success with human hair is undoubtedly attributable to over 25 years of business with their human hair manufacturers who are their partners in a business where their success is indistinguishable.
Garron Reynold recommends the following hair articles
Everything you need to know about easihair pro tape in extensions
What we are doing for Breast Cancer Awareness Month
A detailed list of Jon Renau Agents in South Africa
social Media channels by Garron Reynolds to inspire you