Since 2001 easihair pro has been committed to providing salons with beautiful options for tape-in hair extensions. Therefore, Easihair pro is made with 100% real Remy human hair. Without a doubt, ensuring a high-quality, long-lasting and durable style that is now available in South Africa.

what makes these hair extensions so unique
Easihair pro’s tape-in hair extensions are changing the way hair is applied for volume, length, and colour. Using high-quality German-engineered ingredients. We have created a high-quality long-lasting product, Easihair pro works through the application of micro-thin nano-wefts that integrate and attach to your hair using a medical-grade adhesive. The nano-weft sandwiches your hair between the panels, Therefore, it takes less than an hour to apply. Finally, a non-damaging, comfortable, natural and undetectable hair extension for women. This is a reusable system, which means your extensions will be removed, re-taped, and reapplied about once every 6-8 weeks on average.
take a look at the styles you can create with easihair pro
Page through to see what Easihair Pro hair extension can do for you. Changes can be made in minutes. And with over 250 easihair pro certified salons across South Africa, we have one near you. So what are you waiting for, make that change you have always wanted.
not all hair extensions are the same
Not all tape-in extensions are created the same. Most brands on the market slip out due to poor adhesive quality and unbalanced panel weights. Some women even experience significant hair shedding due to other systems they use. Breakage due to poor polyurethane construction technology and design is also common. Many poorly designed inexpensive adhesive tapes leave a considerable amount of residue when removed and reapplied. “Out of all the hairstyles and products I’ve launched over the years, I’ve never seen a product that’s been so well received by women” Comments Garron Reynolds, MD of easihair pro South Africa.
View our range of tape in human hair hair extensions by easihair pro South Africa.
what makes easihair pro different
What makes easihair pro different, is their commitment to technology. Therefore, loads of innovation, education and their expert experience. Their technology allows for a faster, safer, and more affordable experience. Easihair pro’s innovation of nano-weft technology makes it the thinnest, safest, most versatile, most comfortable and most natural way to amplify hair. “It’s the only extension system I love feeling in women’s hair. It is that unnoticeable,” says Garron.
View the Easihair Pro Hair Extension Gallery to create a new look today.
celebrities that use easihair pro
Even celebrities like Tracy McGregor are firm ambassadors of the brand and its unique selling points, rating it the best hair extension system that they have experienced. These are the EHP Care Product they use.

an incredible hair extensions colour selection available
easihair pro is offered in 29 solid colours along with dual blends and tri-blends which can be mixed and matched together during a consultation with a stylist to match your original hair colour. easihair pro is a professional-only brand that requires each licensed stylist to become certified before offering it in their salon. View the care products to use with EHP.

where to buy easihair pro hair extensions in south africa
With over 250 certified easihair pro salons across South Africa, we have one near you.
Click on the below button to find yours today.
Where to find easihair Pro Certified Hair Salons in South Africa
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