Fascinations recently donated to The Look Good Feel Better Foundation

Fascinations recently donated to The Look Good Feel Better Foundation

Fascinations Hair recently donated to The Look Good Feel Better Foundation which caters to women battling hair loss caused by cancer with a specific focus on the emotional and social well-being of the patient.

Wigs Fascinations Hair Donated to the Look Good Feel Good Foundation

What the look good feel good foundation said

“We sincerely appreciate the support received from Fascinations Hair with the donation of a variety of wigs to the value of R 132 760.71, thus enabling us to reach well over the 38 000 South African women with cancer” – Look Good Feel Better Foundation

From Look good feel good

About this amazing non-profit organisation in south africa

Self-confidence and self-esteem can be at an all-time low, especially after suffering hair loss, pale or sallow complexion, uneven skin tone, etc. Specially trained volunteer beauty professionals guide patients through the 12 step skincare and make-up regime with each woman using her gift of products which she takes home to practice to make the very best of her appearance.

Look Good Feel Better Social Media Pages

These hands-on sessions provide patients with the opportunity to forget about their illness and enjoy a time of pampering, fun, and laughter. They meet and share with others going through similar experiences and, most importantly, look and feel fabulous when they leave the session. And when a woman takes control of looking good, something wonderful happens …. She feels better too!

how many cancer patients look good feel better have helped

Over 37 600 woman cancer patients have now attended an LGFB workshop at one of the 36 venues in 7 major cities in South Africa since the program began in 2004.


Look Good Feel Better is like a makeover for the spirit and that is a beautiful thing.

Virtual and private wig fittings available

Hair loss can be traumatic, so we offer private fittings with our wig specialists at our luxury hair salon. You have the option to either book an appointment and come speak to a consultant in person or receive this consultation virtually. Click on the link below for more information about how you can schedule a private fitting today!

The fascinations hair blog for men and women with hair loss

Updated with regular tips and trips for you to get the very best out of your new hair, we suggest you read the below.

Fascinations hair social media channels to follow

We are very active on our social media channels.
Please do follow our pages to get the latest update, including new style releases.
There is also a range of helpful tips that you will find to get the very best from your new hairpiece.

Wigs designed for women with cancer and Alopecia
Click to view the Fascinations Wigs Website in South Africa

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